Thursday, February 10, 2011

A History Lesson

Last night I was out celebrating my best friend's birthday when another friend of mine pulled me over to her, gestured in my direction and said to the girl she was with, "You have to read her blog - it's so good, you'd love it." (Thanks, again, B.)

I was surprised and flattered, and definitely psyched to hear some positive feedback from my audience. I've been putting links to Scientista on my Facebook wall lately, and I'm glad to see that the shameless promotion of my lil' ol' blog is working for me. Readers! Yay!

Scientista started as a thesis topic - a way for me to practice and showcase my skills as a wannabe science writer extraordinare. Don't get me wrong, it still is that same thesis topic, which, with any luck, will get me a nice little MA diploma in May of this year, but there's so much more to come for Scientista. At least, I think there is...

That being said, I'm accepting any and all topic suggestions. Consider things you've always wondered, topics you just can't grasp, something scientific you can't - or don't have time to - investigate. Let me do the dirty work for you! Well, as long as it's not too dirty. I have to keep my hands clean.

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